Cape Cod - Organic CSA Farm Box
We grow a large variety of seasonal organic vegetables, fruits & grocery and deliver to your home, fresh from our farm!
Enjoy wide varity of Heirloom vegetables, Tropical Fruits and Groceries that comes in your farm boxevery week

Ayurvedic Juice Cleanse
According to Ayurveda, swarasa is the juice extracted from fresh organic fruits and vegetables for specific healing purposes. Swarasa is a sanskrit word: “swa” means self and “rasa” means juice and is the most potent form to consume plants for therapeutic purposes.
We offer various Ayurvedic JuiceCleanse options for specific purposes - Detox and Weight loss, Summer Cleanse, Fall cleanse, Acid reflux, and General Health.
Brown Swiss Cow Kunti with her son Bhima the Ox
We are a no-kill farm. Our cows are free to live out their natural lives and are provided with comfort care at the end stages of life (10% of revenue from all cow products is deposited into a "cows retirement fund" to be utilized specifically for their old age). We support ethical practices through our non-profit Ecownomics.
