Ayurvedic Juice Box - Acid Reflux / Stomach Acid

Acid Reflux / Stomach Acid - 8 Weeks + Health and Nutrition Juice Box - 12 Weeks
Start with this box for 8 weeks, then continue with the Health and Nutrition Juice Box for 12 more weeks.
- Bottle gourd - 10 lbs.
- Ash gourd - 15 lbs.
- Celery - 1 bunch
- Cabbage - 4 lbs.
- Potatoes – 7 medium
- Ginger - ½ lb.
- Turmeric - ½ lb.
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Buy Now - Combo Pack - Purchase Juice box + Health and Nutrition
Ayurvedic Benefits - Reducing Stomach Acidity Juice Box
The Reducing Stomach Acidity Juice Box is Ayurvedically designed to reduce stomach acidity related to pitta conditions, acid reflux, gastritis, and burning sensation in the chest or throat. It is vital to good health to reduce excess acid secretion because it damages the lining of the stomach.
Ayurveda sees excess acid as aggravated or increased pitta dosha (biological energy). Pitta dosha is responsible for all digestion and metabolism of food. Due to the aggravated or increased pitta dosha, all foods that are spicy and sour will increase acidity. The juice box is formulated to help normalize the aggravated pitta or acid in the stomach and heal the inner lining of the stomach due to the sweet and cold potency of the plants.
Reduces Stomach Acidity and More
- 300 ml 2xs
- Reduce pitta and acidity
- Improve digestion and energy levels
- Cleanse the stomach and liver
- Heal the lining of the digestive tract
- Gain a positive shift in your relationship to plant foods
- Increased motivation to exercise on a regular basis
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Buy Now - Combo Pack - Purchase Juice box + Health and Nutrition
Recommend Juicer - Slow Juicer or Cold Press Extraction
- Slow juicing extracts the most juice
- Heat free extraction retains nutrients
- Easy clean filter and dishwasher safe
- Extracts juice from produce, citrus, and greens
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Buy Now - Combo Pack - Purchase Juice box + Health and Nutrition